[pass] [PATCH] Importer for 1Password

Tobias V. Langhoff tobias at langhoff.no
Sun Apr 13 14:58:44 CEST 2014

Hey, I wrote an importer script for 1Password. It supports 1Password's text exports
(CSV or TSV) and its 1PIF file format (pseudo-JSON). In addition to the passwords
it imports notes, as well as the username and URL which it stores in passff-
compatible format (it can also use either the title or the URL itself as pass-name).

Great work on pass and congrats on 1.5; I hope it'll get a lot of new users in
these Heartbleed times :)

 contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb | 149 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 149 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb

diff --git a/contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb b/contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d26d0ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Tobias V. Langhoff <tobias at langhoff.no>. All Rights Reserved.
+# This file is licensed under GPLv2+. Please see COPYING for more information.
+# 1Password Importer
+# Reads files exported from 1Password and imports them into pass. Supports comma
+# and tab delimited text files, as well as logins (but not other items) stored
+# in the 1Password Interchange File (1PIF) format.
+# Supports using the title (default) or URL as pass-name, depending on your
+# preferred organization. Also supports importing metadata, adding them with
+# `pass insert --multiline`; the username and URL are compatible with
+# https://github.com/jvenant/passff.
+require "optparse"
+require "ostruct"
+accepted_formats = [".txt", ".1pif"]
+# Default options
+options = OpenStruct.new
+options.force = false
+options.name = :title
+options.notes = true
+options.meta = true
+optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts|
+  opts.banner = "Usage: #{opts.program_name}.rb [options] filename"
+  opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Display this screen") { puts opts; exit }
+  opts.on("-f", "--force", "Overwrite existing passwords") do
+    options.force = true
+  end
+  opts.on("-d", "--default [FOLDER]", "Place passwords into FOLDER") do |group|
+    options.group = group
+  end
+  opts.on("-n", "--name [PASS-NAME]", [:title, :url],
+          "Select field to use as pass-name: title (default) or URL") do |name|
+    options.name = name
+  end
+  opts.on("-m", "--[no-]meta",
+          "Import metadata and insert it below the password") do |meta|
+    options.meta = meta
+  end
+  begin 
+    opts.parse!
+  rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption
+    $stderr.puts optparse
+    exit
+  end
+# Check for a valid filename
+filename = ARGV.pop
+unless filename
+  abort optparse.to_s
+unless accepted_formats.include?(File.extname(filename.downcase))
+  abort "Supported file types: comma/tab delimited .txt files and .1pif files."
+passwords = []
+# Parse comma or tab delimited text
+if File.extname(filename) =~ /.txt/i
+  require "csv"
+  # Very simple way to guess the delimiter
+  delimiter = ""
+  File.open(filename) do |file|
+    first_line = file.readline
+    if first_line =~ /,/
+      delimiter = ","
+    elsif first_line =~ /\t/
+      delimiter = "\t"
+    else
+      abort "Supported file types: comma/tab delimited .txt files and .1pif files."
+    end
+  end
+  # Import CSV/TSV
+  CSV.foreach(filename, {col_sep: delimiter, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol}) do |entry|
+    pass = {}
+    pass[:name] = "#{(options.group + "/") if options.group}#{entry[options.name]}"
+    pass[:title] = entry[:title]
+    pass[:password] = entry[:password]
+    pass[:login] = entry[:username]
+    pass[:url] = entry[:url]
+    pass[:notes] = entry[:notes]
+    passwords << pass
+  end
+# Parse 1PIF
+elsif File.extname(filename) =~ /.1pif/i
+  require "json"
+  # 1PIF is almost JSON, but not quite
+  pif = "[#{File.open(filename).read}]"
+  pif.gsub!(/^\*\*\*.*\*\*\*$/, ",")
+  pif = JSON.parse(pif, {symbolize_names: true})
+  options.name = :location if options.name == :url
+  # Import 1PIF
+  pif.each do |entry|
+    next unless entry[:typeName] == "webforms.WebForm"
+    pass = {}
+    pass[:name] = "#{(options.group + "/") if options.group}#{entry[options.name]}"
+    pass[:title] = entry[:title]
+    pass[:password] = entry[:secureContents][:fields].detect do |field|
+      field[:name] == "password"
+    end[:value]
+    pass[:login] = entry[:secureContents][:fields].detect do |field|
+      field[:name] == "username"
+    end[:value]
+    pass[:url] = entry[:location]
+    pass[:notes] = entry[:secureContents][:notesPlain]
+    passwords << pass
+  end
+puts "Read #{passwords.length} passwords."
+errors = []
+# Save the passwords
+passwords.each do |pass|
+  IO.popen("pass insert #{"-f " if options.force}-m '#{pass[:name]}' > /dev/null", "w") do |io|
+    io.puts pass[:password]
+    if options.meta
+      io.puts "login: #{pass[:login]}" unless pass[:login].to_s.empty?
+      io.puts "url: #{pass[:url]}" unless pass[:url].to_s.empty?
+      io.puts pass[:notes] unless pass[:notes].to_s.empty?
+    end
+  end
+  if $? == 0
+    puts "Imported #{pass[:name]}"
+  else
+    $stderr.puts "ERROR: Failed to import #{pass[:name]}"
+    errors << pass
+  end
+if errors.length > 0
+  $stderr.puts "Failed to import #{errors.map {|e| e[:name]}.join ", "}"
+  $stderr.puts "Check the errors. Make sure these passwords do not already "\
+               "exist. If you're sure you want to overwrite them with the "\
+               "new import, try again with --force."
Tobias V. Langhoff

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