[pass] [PATCH 1/3] grep: Change output format and update man page.

l-m-h at web.de l-m-h at web.de
Tue Aug 18 02:12:37 CEST 2015

The grep option --color=auto is used to color the output if and only if output
is to a terminal.  This makes it more suitable for scripts.

The grep option --label=$label is used to print any string to appear as the
filename if grep searches stdin.  This makes it possible to display the
password name on the same line as the match. This makes it more suitable for
further line wise processing in scripts.

The man page falsely stated that the filename would be displayed with the
matches.  Actually the password name is displayed.
 man/pass.1            |  4 ++--
 src/password-store.sh | 15 +++++----------
 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

-------------- next part --------------
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