encrypted file and directory names?

Sebastian Reuße seb at wirrsal.net
Mon Feb 6 08:31:11 CET 2017

Adam Spiers <pass at adamspiers.org> writes:

> I got the impression that the point of pass was to provide an
> additional line of defence above what the filesystem already provides.
> If the filesystem can be trusted to keep things secure then you could
> simply store all your credentials in it in plaintext, and there would
> be no need for pass. Maybe I misunderstood something?

When using an encrypted container, you may very well store your
passwords in plain text and achieve the same level of defense for your
(non-meta) data as offered by pass and its GnuPG backend, at least if
you opt to re-lock the container after use. In this case, any sort of
metadata encryption built into pass would not offer any substantial

Best regards,

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