[PATCH] add timeout to clear output after pass show

Timmo Verlaan tverlaan at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 12:53:11 CEST 2018


Based on the email I just saw from Danylo ("pass less") about a timeout
for `pass show`, I think it's a very nice feature to be incorporated
into pass. I often read emails that people don't like previous output of
pass to be visible on the screen. I feel the same about this, especially
when someone could look over your shoulder.This is an attempt to add the option `pass show -t` to clear stdout
after PASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME seconds. The code is portable and doesn't
add any dependencies. The current implementation is blocking on purpose,
you can still prevent clearing of the output.
Please let me know what you think and if you would like to see
this addition.
Kind regards,
Timmo Verlaan
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Name: 0001-add-timeout-option-to-pass-show-to-clear-output.patch
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