[PATCH] Added code to output the age as seconds instead of "0 min."

Ferry Huberts mailings at hupie.com
Sun Sep 30 07:51:02 CEST 2012

On 29-09-12 20:43, Luke SanAntonio wrote:
> Hi Jason,
>      First of all, good call with the cache, it hadn't even crossed my mind...
> Second I think the cache isn't something we need to worry about...
> mostly because
> cgit is very lightweight, and I think for now, we don't have to be too
> worried about
> performance, correct me if I'm wrong though... Also it seems to me

I'd like to correct you on that.
Try running a server with many big git repositories with a cgit 
interface on top, that is heavily used by people.
You'll really want to have caching.
Caching is not something I would like to see dropped or non-functional

> that with or without the cache,
> every cgit page I've ever come across seems to load in much less time
> than a second...
> Thanks for considering my patch =D
>   - Luke
> On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 1:20 AM, Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason at zx2c4.com> wrote:
>> Hey Luke,
>> Looks great, merged.
>> My one concern, however, which might make me reconsider merging this
>> patch is -- what about the cache? Adding explicit seconds makes any
>> caching appear even more out of date than just minutes. But maybe this
>> isn't a big deal. What do you think?
>> Jason
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Ferry Huberts

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