RFE: Add <span> around tag decorations

Konstantin Ryabitsev mricon at kernel.org
Mon May 13 16:27:09 CEST 2013

Hi, all:

Android projects have *silly* amounts of tags, e.g. take a look at this


You will notice that it's pretty broken because of the horizontal
scroll. We can work around this with CSS, but only when decorations are
inside its own element, such as <span> (believe, me, I tried). Here's
how it looks in a patched version of cgit 0.9.1 that implements the
<span>, plus some css hacking to make the tag display not suck (hover
over commit to show the tags):


The change to make is in show_commit_decorations. My C is not good at
all, so I'm sending this in python/C pseudocode (heh) instead of a patch ;).

if not len(deco):

html("<span class='deco-span'>");
while (deco) {
html ("</span>");

As it's just an additional span, it shouldn't break any existing CSS
configurations, but will allow projects that abuse^W use extensive
tagging to display the pages without completely breaking things.

Konstantin Ryabitsev
Senior Systems Administrator
Linux Foundation Collab Projects
Montréal, Québec

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