unexpected cache issue when http errors

Nicolas Dely nicolas.dely at technicolor.com
Mon Mar 30 19:15:27 CEST 2015


I would like to share an unexpected cache behaviour with this list and 
discuss about a solution.

Indeed we are using cgit to provide a web interface to our internal user 
and also to provide file to our reviewboard server.

We are experiencing some cache issue on static pages when data are not 
pushed yet to server but reviewboard tries to access these 
files/repositories. Cache is adding even 404, 401 or 500 error for 
static page, we can workaround this issue after reducing/setting static 
cache issue but it looks not very useful to cache http errors.

Do you think it is possible to only cache when HTTP is 200 OK? Other ideas?

PS: I've seen a cache issue (lock file) but nothing about http errors



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