Rendering of inline with inner tree view dirs

John Keeping john at
Sat Jun 16 19:35:15 CEST 2018

On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 03:12:09PM +0100, John Keeping wrote:
> > >> 3) You can see on the top level of the tree, the references
> > >>
> > >> <img alt="lws-overview" src="./doc-assets/lws-overview.png">
> > >>
> > >> This url format works in github.  In the cgit About view, this resolves to
> > >>
> > >> /git/libwebsockets/about/doc-assets/lws-overview.png
> > >>
> > >> which also serves the right mimetype and content.  So that kind of URL
> > >> format is useful.  But when we render the same markup and relative path
> > >> via /tree/, it tries to show an html page containing the content.
> > >> That's why the picture is missing in the /tree/ view... other pictures
> > >> in that markup are coming with absolute URLs outside of cgit and are
> > >> working.
> > >>
> > >> I can have the direct content from cgit generally, but either the markup
> > >> needs fixing up to
> > >>
> > >> /git/libwebsockets/plain/doc-assets/lws-overview.png
> > >>
> > >> or /tree/ needs to learn to do what /about/ does.
> > >>
> > >> I'm wondering whether mmd2html might grow an environment var to know the
> > >> base part for URLS that want to direct-render from cgit.  Or if better
> > >> to follow what /about/ did in /tree/.
> > > 
> > > Making tree do this will break the normal use of tree unless we add some
> > > extra query parameter or path element.  Given that, I think teaching the
> > > renderer to use a path to /about/ is the right thing to do.
> > 
> > OK.  Unfortunately I don't know python very well.  It looks like the 
> > markdown python library is able to be told to use extensions that are 
> > capable to do this
> > 
> >
> > 
> > from the md2html wrapper.  But I don't know enough python to do it.
> > 
> > It's a shame, because in-tree assets correctly follow the ref context 
> > being viewed, eg, if you look at a v2 branch you see v2 pngs, master you 
> > see master pngs etc.
> > 
> > I'll "solve" this part for now by changing the README to use external URLs.
> Yeah, I think we have to solve it by having the filter apply a mapping.
> We have ui-plain which provides the right content for images, but what
> should we do for link targets?
> For the purpose of discussion, consider the following HTML fragment that
> could be generated by rendering a README file:
> 	<img src="dataflow.png">
> 	<p>For more details see <a href="dataflow.html">the dedicated
> 	data flow document.</p>
> If dataflow.html is generated from a source file in a similar way, then
> it doesn't exist in the repository and we can't link to it, so the ideal
> output ends up being something like:
> 	<img src="/repo/plain/dataflow.png">
> 	<p>For more details see <a href="dataflow.txt">the dedicated
> 	data flow document.</p>
> The render filter API isn't finalised yet, so we can change the
> parameters that are passed in order to add more information for the
> renderer to use.  At the very least I think we should add a parameter
> for the asset prefix which is essentially the tree path with /tree/
> replaces with /plain/.
> However, I'm not sure how to handle relative links: do we need to pass
> additional parameters for this?  Or can we rely on a render filter doing
> the right thing?

Modifying md2html to use the extension API is reasonably
straightforward.  Below is a modified version which remaps the "src"
attribute on <img> elements according to a second command line argument,
you can try it out with:

	md2html < /path/to/plain/directory/

The trailing "/" is important.

The differences are the AssetMapping classes at the top and the
extension setup at the bottom; the rest is unchanged from the version in
CGit's source tree.

-- >8 --
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import markdown
import sys
import io
from markdown.util import etree
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
from urllib.parse import urljoin

class AssetMappingProcessor(markdown.treeprocessors.Treeprocessor):

    def __init__(self, asset_prefix):
        self.asset_prefix = asset_prefix

    def run(self, root):
        asset_prefix = self.asset_prefix
        for img in root.iter('img'):
            src = img.get('src')
            if src is None:
            img.set('src', urljoin(asset_prefix, src))

class AssetMappingExtension(markdown.extensions.Extension):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.config = {'asset_prefix': ['', 'prefix for relative asset URLs']}
        super(AssetMappingExtension, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
        asset_prefix = self.getConfig('asset_prefix')
        if not asset_prefix:


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extensions = [
extension_configs = {

if len(sys.argv) > 2:

# Note: you may want to run this through bleach for sanitization
markdown.markdownFromFile(output_format="html5", extensions=extensions, extension_configs=extension_configs)

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