Private repos & auth

Martin M. dev at
Thu Jun 13 23:20:52 CEST 2019

Great questions by Paul! I am facing exactly the same use case and these
questions are not yet answered:

> # Private repos
> I have my config set to "scan". Would it be possible to declare 
> somewhere in the repo *itself* that it should be private?
> # Authentication
> I see the filter documentation but I am unsure how to actually implement 
> it. I'd like *some* public repos but most of my repos are private.

I have recently installed Gitolite and cgit, after the usual
installation and configuration ups and downs, everything works fine now
(using SSH for cloning). But since yesterday I am struggling to
implement authentication for a subset of repos (call them private). My
first idea was to use HTTP basic auth, without success. Then I
investigated into the cgit filter and example script
'simple-authentication.lua'. I configured the variables in this script
but have no clue how to correctly trigger and deploy it. How and where
do I correctly provide the 12 arguments as mentioned in cgitrc? A
working setup using the script and proper configuration in cgitrc would
help me a lot.

There is another very interesting approach for auth using the already
provided setup from Gitolite
( However, I could not
find the required Perl packages and put this on hold.

So, what is the best practice for using private repositories beside
public one in cgit? Any help is welcome!

Thank you.

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