Possible case-sensitivity issue in module-link

Gianni Ceccarelli dakkar at thenautilus.net
Sat Aug 29 13:03:49 CEST 2020


I use cgit on my own site https://www.thenautilus.net/cgit/

Some of my repositories contain submodules, for example

All those submodules are listed in the repo's config file, for
example ``thermostat/config`` contains::

  [cgit "module-link"]
    esp8266-oled-ssd1306 = https://github.com/ThingPulse/esp8266-oled-ssd1306/tree/%s
    DHTesp = https://github.com/beegee-tokyo/DHTesp/tree/%s
    bt-server = https://www.thenautilus.net/cgit/gobbledegook/tree/?id=%s

and ``lego-piano/config`` contains::

  [cgit "module-link"]
    RingBuffer = https://github.com/Locoduino/RingBuffer/tree/%s
    ESP8266Audio = https://github.com/earlephilhower/ESP8266Audio/tree/%s
  [cgit "module-link.3d-print/LEGO"]
    scad = https://github.com/cfinke/LEGO.scad/tree/%s

You may have noticed that only *some* submodules show up as links in
the CGit output:

- ``esp8266-oled-ssd1306``, ``bt-server``, ``LEGO.scad`` work
- ``DHTesp``, ``RingBuffer``, ``ESP8266Audio`` don't

My suspicion is that the case of the characters after the last ``.``
is involved: if they're all lowercase, the link works, if some are
uppercase, it doesn't.

Running ``git config -l`` in the ``lego-piano`` repository directory,
for example, I get::


notice that ``ringbuffer`` and ``esp8266audio`` got lowercased, but
``LEGO`` didn't. If the configuration is parsed like this, and the
submodule's path is then matched case-sensitively, the result would be
what I observe.

Can anyone confirm? I've been reading the source of CGit plus the bits
of Git that are linked in, but I haven't found code that would produce
the behaviour I see.

Thanks in advance.

	Dakkar - <Mobilis in mobile>
	GPG public key fingerprint = A071 E618 DD2C 5901 9574
	                             6FE2 40EA 9883 7519 3F88
	                    key id = 0x75193F88

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