[Bug?] remove-suffix config position dependent

Kian Kasad kian at kasad.com
Wed Jan 13 22:31:05 UTC 2021

On 21/01/13 11:24PM, Leroy van Logchem wrote:
> Setup
> =====
> CGit v1.2.3 | https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/
> Compiled in features:
> [+] Lua scripting
> [+] Linux sendfile() usage
> Issue
> ====
> remove-suffix=1 only works when defined _before_ the scan-path config item.
> Is this expected behavior?

Yes. It's listed in the documentation:
        If set to "1" and scan-path is enabled, if any repositories are found
        with a suffix of ".git", this suffix will be removed for the url and
        name. *This must be defined prior to scan-path*. Default value: "0".
        See also: scan-path.
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