Greater use of the HTML title (for tabs and title bars) in cgit

Gianni Ceccarelli dakkar at
Sun Nov 6 13:53:06 UTC 2022

On 2022-11-06 John Keeping <john at> wrote:
> > * the branch (not main)  
> Git commits are not associated with a branch, so unless we have an
> h=... query argument I don't see any way to derive the correct value
> to display for a branch.

We could do the equivalent of ``git branch --contains $commit``, but:

- it's expensive
- it returns a list of heads

So I agree that the best source of branch name is the ``h=`` argument.

	Dakkar - <Mobilis in mobile>
	GPG public key fingerprint = A071 E618 DD2C 5901 9574
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	                    key id = 0x75193F88

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