[pass] [ANNOUNCE] pass iOS app (v0.0.1)

Brian Mattern rephorm at rephorm.com
Tue Oct 16 07:23:35 CEST 2012

I found some free time the past two days and put together a simple
iphone app to access the pass password-store.

The app is, like the bash script we all know and love, a simple wrapper
around gpg. As such, it requires a working gpg installation, and thus is
limited to jailbroken devices. Hopefully the intersection of pass users
and jailbroken iphone users is greater than 1.

Currently the functionality is limited to:

  Displaying a (heirarchical) list of password entries
  Copying the filename (sans .gpg) to the Pasteboard
  Copying the password to the Pasteboard

If anyone is interested, you can download the code[1] or a compiled
binary for the iphone[2]. I would recommend building from source,
especially if you have a mac with a recent SDK on it. The binary was
built directly on the iphone and thus is limited to the 3.0 SDK which
does not allow backgrounding support.

Note: Currently, you have to manually clone your git repository and set
up your gpg key on the device. Instructions are in the README.md file on


[1] https://github.com/rephorm/pass-ios
[2] http://rephorm.com/files/pass-ios/com.rephorm.pass_0.0.1-18_iphoneos-arm.deb

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