[pass] [BUG?] pass allows both "x" and "x/y" bit hides "x"

Mark Lawrence nomad at null.net
Fri May 17 00:01:56 CEST 2013

First of all I'd like to say this is a great tool, thanks for writing
and distributing it.

I believe I have observed undesirable behavior with regards passwords
stored at one level, and then additional passwords created at a sub

    mark at lifebook:$ pass insert x
    Enter password for x: 
    Retype password for x: 
    [master d42c10c] Added given password for x to store.
     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
     create mode 100644 x.gpg

    mark at lifebook:$ pass x
    password X

So far all well and good. If I now create a sublevel password I can
read that sublevel password back:

    mark at lifebook:$ pass insert x/y
    mkdir: created directory `/home/mark/.password-store/x'
    Enter password for x/y: 
    Retype password for x/y: 
    [master 5078544] Added given password for x/y to store.
     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
     create mode 100644 x/y.gpg

    mark at lifebook:~$ pass x/y
    password X/Y

However I can no longer read the toplevel password as it returns a tree
list instead:

    mark at lifebook:~$ pass x
    `-- y

I would prefer a different behaviour (namely that "pass x" also
displays a password if it exists) or at least doesn't allow the
creation of the sublevel when the top level already exists.

Alternatively perhaps a configuration variable could be set somewhere
to change the behavior one way or the other?

Mark Lawrence

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