[pass] Pull-Request: Keepass2 import script

Stefan Simroth stefan.simroth at gmail.com
Sat May 18 21:40:43 CEST 2013


I've written a script to import the passwords from a Keepass2 XML export.

It's based on the KeepassX import script by Juhamatti Niemelä, but
somewhat improved and adjusted to the different XML schema.

Two extra features I've implemented are:
* handling of duplicates, which will get merged
* Besides the password also the fields 'UserName', 'URL' and 'Notes'
(comment) will be inserted.

I've forked the repo at github and pushed my changes there:

I would be glad, if this import script would be pulled in.

I wrote it for myself, so I could move my 430 passwords from Keepass2 to pass :)

Keep up the good work, guys!


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