[pass] Wanted: Test Suite

Jason A. Donenfeld Jason at zx2c4.com
Fri Apr 18 11:45:46 CEST 2014

Hey Von,

Excellent! Glad to hear it. Regarding test harnesses, we probably want to
be using this: <http://mlafeldt.github.io/sharness/>. It's been extracted
from the git test harness and follows this protocol: <

A non exhaustive list of things I think need tests:

   - pass mv [directory to file]
   - pass mv [file to directory]
   - pass mv [file to file]
   - pass mv [directory to directory]
   - pass mv [X to new directory (by having the argument end in "/")]
   - pass mv [X to existing directory]
   - pass cp [all the above]
   - pass [all the above, but reencrypting when source and destination have
   different .gpg-id settings]
   - pass init [reencryption with different key]
   - pass grep
   - pass find
   - pass rm
   - pass init -p [plus reencryption with different key]
   - pass insert, pass ls
   - pass insert, pass show
   - pass insert [with -e, with -m, without either]
   - pass insert, cp, mv, rm, generate [with -f, without -f, on existing]
   - pass generate [with -n vs without -n]
   - pass edit [using shm vs not using shm]
   - pass git init
   - git operations on all commands
   - ...probably a lot I've left out...

Note the harness will have to set up a dummy repo, generate a dummy gpg
key, and start a dummy gpg-agent, and then destroy all those at the end.

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