[pass] Storing file "attachments"

guns self at sungpae.com
Mon Aug 18 05:29:31 CEST 2014

On Thu 14 Aug 2014 at 04:04:59PM -0700, Andrew Kvalheim wrote:

> Just curious what, if anything, others are doing to store binary
> credentials, e.g. key files or screenshots of touch unlock patterns.
> I'm migrating from KeePassX and not sure how to proceed with my
> existing file attachments.
> Does pass accommodate arbitrary files in the password store, or should
> I just drop Base64 into a normal password?

I haven't had any problems with storing non-textual data with pass.
Here's an example of storing and using a keyfile:

    $ pass insert -fm luks/keyfile < my-key-file
    Enter contents of luks/keyfile and press Ctrl+D when finished:

    [master cffc331] Add given password for luks/keyfile to store.
     1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
     create mode 100644 luks/keyfile.gpg

    # cryptsetup --key-file <(pass luks/keyfile) luksOpen /dev/sda foo

Bash's <(process substitution) feature will often work as a transparent
substitute when you wish to pass binary data from password-store as a
file argument.

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