[pass] [PATCH] Team pass: enable multiple keys and per directory

Josh Cartwright joshc at eso.teric.us
Wed Mar 19 14:01:37 CET 2014

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 02:08:27AM -0600, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
> The .gpg-id file may now have multiple keys in it, one per line.
> If a .gpg-id file exists inside a subdirectory, passwords inside that
> directory are encrypted to that/those ids.
> The init command has learned a -p/--path option for writing such a sub
> directory .gpg-id and now can take several arguments for ids.
> ---
> After much demand for a "team pass" that can live within git, and
> instead of relying on gpg.conf for this, I've started to implement
> a proper team pass.
> Please tell me what you think of this. I want to get it right. Does
> it satisfy the demands folks have had? Is it implemented as cleanly
> as possible? Feedback wanted.

How do you deal with getting all the team's public keys to all the
users?  Or is that outside the scope of this patch?

Perhaps instead of maintaining a .gpg_id key list, a keyring with the
teams' public keys should be used.


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