[pass] [PATCH v2] Team pass: enable multiple keys and per directory

Josh Cartwright joshc at eso.teric.us
Thu Mar 20 01:51:03 CET 2014

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:18:12AM +1100, Matthew Cengia wrote:
> > I use dirname a lot. I suppose I *could* get rid of these as you've
> > suggested. Would appreciate a patch I could apply for this. Or I can
> > just do it myself.
> Not a big deal; as I said above, parameter (or brace) expansion is more
> obfuscated, and for the most part you're not using huge loops that make
> lots of calls to dirname, so it won't be a huge difference to
> performance; my logic is basically that if you can do it in the shell
> without it looking horrible and long-winded (both subjective), then do
> it.

Also, note that command substitution ($() and ``) has the really
annoying feature of removing trailing newlines...but sometimes those
newlines are significant.  Any sane person wouldn't go putting newlines
in filenames, however in clipboard data this can be important.
Presumably this is the explanation of pass bizarrely using base64 to
store clipboard data?


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