[pass] Sharing credentials over a git repository Hello,

Alfredo Palhares masterkorp at masterkorp.net
Wed Nov 5 12:44:06 CET 2014

I've been using pass personally and love the simplicity. I don't even
depend on it to decrypt a password which makes it pretty much failsafe.

Now I am looking on creating a passwords repository to share across a
whole team. So the same file would be able to be decrypted by multiple

Lets says we have the following tree:

├── README.md
├── Finance
│  ├── Banking
│  │   └── A_bank
│  └── Someservice
└── Operations
    ├── Cloud
    │   └── NewFancyService
    └── RootPasswordOnXServer

I would like to set some rules to set who can can encrypt and decrypt
the credentials. So only the finance team would be able to see financial
services and the operations team would only have access to the
operations related credentials.

Setting teams or groups of people would be great too.

Finally push and pulling the changes from upstream would be awesome to
keep the repositories in sync.

Is this something password-store was meant to do ?

Alfredo Palhares

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