[pass] pass grep doesn't spawn pinentry dialog when no cached password is available in gpg-agent

nfb notfreebeer at openmailbox.org
Fri Nov 28 10:44:39 CET 2014

> When running `pass show something` I get the dialog and if I cancle the
> dialog it will abort the process.
> If I run `pass grep something` I get the dialog but it will be reopened
> when canceling it.  This is done for every file in my password store so
> depending on the size of the latter it might *seem* to be repeated
> infinitely. 

Yes, that's what i would expect too, anyways i don't see the point of
canceling the dialog. The problem here is not how many times we have to
cancel the dialog (but this could be another point of discussion) but
that i don't get the dialog at all, but i get those two error lines
repeated forever.

> I can not confirm this.  Curses and GTK pinentry both work for me.

Indeed, after installing pinentry-gtk2 package which provides the gtk
dialog, everything works as expected.

It seems the issue is *only* present with pinentry-curses. Maybe there
are some issues about who controls the input/output streams of the

Thanks for your support guys.


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