[pass] GPGTools OS X

Caleb Marble cm at marblenix.com
Thu Sep 25 16:32:39 CEST 2014

> I am trying to use pass with gpg-agent provided by gpgtools on OS X.
> However when I run init I get the following:
> You are not running gpg-agent. This means that you will need to enter
> your password for each and every gpg file that pass processes. This
> could be quite tedious.
> However the gpg-agent process is running. Does anyone have any tips on
> using gpgtools and pass together?
> Thanks, Jarod

I like using keychain by funtoo.org. You can install it with `brew
install keychain`. Then in your ~/.bash_profile add the following:

eval `keychain --eval --agents gpg DEADBEEF`

Be sure to replace DEADBEEF with the corresponding 8 character public
key id. `gpg --list-public-keys`

When you first open a terminal you'll be asked to unlock your gpg key.
Then you'll have to enter it again when you want to unlock a password
using `pass`, but after that you won't have to enter it again for a set
period of time.

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