[pass] Temporary file name and vim file type

Von Welch von at vwelch.com
Thu Jan 15 04:49:07 CET 2015

My vim configuration sets a bunch of options which I find generally useful,
but I don't want when editing password files, such as saving backups and
undo information.

Do other folks have this issue and how do they deal with it?

It used to be that password-store used a temporary filename that looked
like "pass.XXXXXXXXXXXXX.*" which was fairly straightforward to detect and
do a set "setf pass" and then use "pass" mode to turn off any options I
didn't want for password files.

At some point, the temporary filename used by pass was changed to look like
"XXXXX-${path//\//-}.txt" now with each "X" getting changed to a random
character. I'm not sure how to have vim reliably detect password files with
that scheme.



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