[pass] Password syncronization

George Angelopoulos george at usermod.net
Tue Jan 27 11:52:25 CET 2015

How about this?

Prereq: create your GPG key and copy it to all your machines setup SSH 
public key authentication to the server

On the server:

Make a bare git repo so we can *push* to it. No 'bare', no push. And 
we're  done on the server.
$ mkdir password-store
$ cd password-store
$ git init --bare

Init the things.
$ pass init john at example.com
$ pass git init

Tell git where the server is, and push the things we initialized.
$ pass git remote add origin 
$ git push --set-upstream origin master

Set up a git hook that runs every time there is a new commit. This hook 
first fetches any changes we don't have locally, then rebases our recent 
local commit on top of those changes, then sends it all back to the server.
$ echo git pull --rebase > .password-store/.git/hooks/post-commit
$ echo git push >> .password-store/.git/hooks/post-commit
$ chmod u+x .password-store/.git/hooks/post-commit

You're now ready to go.

$ pass generate foo 20

I understand this is a bit condensed, so let me know if I can clarify 
things further.

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