[pass] Password syncronization

George Angelopoulos george at usermod.net
Fri Jan 30 20:03:44 CET 2015

You're on the right track.

Just do:
pass git pull --rebase origin master

I know this is all magic now, but if you continue using git for other 
stuff, eventually you will *get it* and it will all make sense. I 
purposefully avoided describing everything in detail cause I don't know 
how to describe it very succinctly.

 > I don't want to bother you too much

It's no bother at all.

 > Thanks a lot George: this worked! :-) But only for 1 "bare" server 
and 1 client. Then I'm facing troubles when I try to add other clients 
(my setup: 2 workstations, 1 laptop, 1 mobile).
 > On the other clients I run:
 > $ pass init john at example.com $ pass git init $ pass git remote add 
origin ssh://john@serverhostname.example.com:/home/john/password-store
 > $ pass git push --set-upstream origin master
 > And then I'm stuck with:
 > [...] the remote contains work that you do not have locally. This is 
usually caused by another repository pushing to the same ref [...]
 > So:
 > $ pass git pull#merge#commit#fetch#something-wrecking-my-mind? :-D

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