[pass] Pass hanging on decrypt

Daniel Seymour dannyseeless at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 00:36:41 CET 2015

First off, thanks for the AMAZING piece of software. I didn't really like the idea
of LastPass being linked to my browser and KeePass felt clunky for me. Pass has
filled the password manager void for me.

Not to explain my issue, I have been having some rather odd issues. I am able to
initialize a password store with my GPG key and pass is able to create the
password store, generate new passwords and store them, but when I attempt to use
any of the pass functions that decrypt a gpg file, pass seems to hang for about a
minute before throwing an error: "gpg: decryption failed: No secret key"

I have deleted and created multiple password stores with every possible gpg key ID
on my system and still nothing works. Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?

Example of what I have done:

pass init XXXXXXXX (using both the pub and sub key IDs)
pass generate test.com 20
pass show test.com

(and this is where the decryption error is thrown. It doesn't even prompt for a

Just to clarify, I have made sure to completely delete the password store
directory before attempting to create a new one (rm -r ~/.password-store)

I am on a fully updated Fedora 23 Workstation.

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