[pass] FW: ansible lookup plugin for passwordstore

Patrick Deelman PDeelman at ESRI.NL
Fri Apr 8 08:12:15 CEST 2016


For fun and (non-)profit I decided to put some effort into creating a new ansible lookup plugin last weekend. Primarily for my own needs, but also inspired by a fellow hacker at my local hackerspace.

As this is my first plugin for ansible I'm sure things could be better. Therefore I present to you to review, use or otherwise criticize, a pass lookup module. For those interested, it can be found at https://github.com/morphje/ansible_pass_lookup.

My usecases were (examples in the readme too):
lookup a password (  password="{{ lookup('pass', 'example/test'}}  )
If the password does not exist, create one at random (specified by create=true flag)
If the password exists and needs to be overwritten (create=true overwrite=true)
change the directory of the password store (specified by directory=dir)
specify the password length when creating (specified by length=42, default is 16 chars)
return all lines from the password file (specified by returnall=true)
switch to a different pass directory (specified by directory=\home\morphje\projects\fooproject\pass)

Finally i wanted to ensure myself that old passwords and comments were retained when updating passwords, so this lookup adds a copy of old content/password in the password file when a new password is inserted.

For now all functionality does seem to work and i've tested both with the latest stable version of pass and the Ubuntu 14.04 default.
I have tested this plugin on ansible 2.0.1, but it should work on earlier versions too.
Looking forward to your replies.

Patrick Deelman
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