Protect .gpg-id

Frank Grüllich frank.gruellich at
Thu Dec 8 09:03:09 CET 2016

On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 05:18:30PM +0000, Brian Candler wrote:
> On 07/12/2016 16:52, Emile Cantin wrote:
> > I think the key here is that 'pass init' reads and re-encrypts
> > everything with the new key(s), but Eve didn't actually use 'pass init'
> > but did it manually (because she can't read the files). This leads to a
> > situation where files in the directory are encrypted with a different
> > set of keys than the ones present in .gpg-id, which might be detectable.
> > Perhaps we can try to detect that kind of situation and throw a big
> > nasty warning in these cases?
> Interesting idea. Simplest option: whenever re-encrypting an existing file
> (either via 'pass init' or via 'pass edit'), check if the set of keys it was
> previously encrypted to is different to the new set.
> I suppose it would still be possible for Eve to:
> - update .gpg-id to point to A/B/E
> - put in a dummy (e.g. blank) password file, encrypted with A/B/E
> - hope that the next time A or B accesses it they think that the empty file
> was a bug, and replaces it with the correct password??

It also does not cover new secrets as there is nothing yet to compare

One could make pass to check all secrets (in a certain path) against the
.gpg-id file they are supposed to use, something like "pass fsck [-p
some/path]".  I'm not sure if that's doable and also quite brute-force.
And Eve could still replace all files with dummy files encrypted with
the "right" keys.  She whould introduce quite a massive change to the
repo then which would probably get deteced easier.  But I'm still not
sure if I like the idea.

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