[pass] "pass find" as part of "pass show"

Renato Alves alves.rjc at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 18:45:43 CET 2016

Hi everyone,

Would it be possible to include an option in "pass show" to behave like
"pass find" and if only one entry is matched, use it?

The interface I have in mind is something like:

% pass -f mozilla
(stderr) Found unique match web/mozilla.org/username
(stdout) <decrypted password>
(exitcode) 0

% pass -f google
(stderr) Multiple matches found:
(stdout) Search Terms: google
(stdout) └── web
(stdout)     └── google.com
(stdout)         ├── user
(stdout)         └── anotheruser
(exitcode) 1

% pass -f googleano
(stderr) Found unique match web/google.com/anotheruser
(stdout) <decrypted password>
(exitcode) 0

where "pass -f" == "pass show -f" and -f stands for "--find" or "--fuzzy".


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