[pass] [PATCH] Normalize line endings in 1Password importer

Tobias V. Langhoff tobias at langhoff.no
Wed May 25 00:24:22 CEST 2016

Fix 1Password importer so it handles different line endings

 contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb | 4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb
index 79318ee..5ea4523 100755
--- a/contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb
+++ b/contrib/importers/1password2pass.rb
@@ -95,8 +95,10 @@ if File.extname(filename) =~ /.txt/i
 elsif File.extname(filename) =~ /.1pif/i
   require "json"

-  # 1PIF is almost JSON, but not quite
   pif = "[#{File.open(filename).read}]"
+  # Normalize line endings, explicitly preserving encoding just to be sure
+  pif.encode!(pif.encoding, universal_newline: true)
+  # 1PIF is almost JSON, but not quite:
   pif.gsub!(/^\*\*\*.*\*\*\*$/, ",")
   pif = JSON.parse(pif, {symbolize_names: true})

Tobias V. Langhoff

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