encrypted file and directory names?

Sebastian Reuße seb at wirrsal.net
Sun Feb 5 10:27:58 CET 2017

Adam Spiers <pass at adamspiers.org> writes:

> There is one feature which I consider pretty essential, and as far as
> I can see, it's not supported by pass yet, which is to keep the entire
> metadata encrypted, including the directory names and file names.
> Without this it doesn't seem to provide 100% privacy protection, since
> for example it potentially exposes which websites you use. Is that
> right, or am I missing something?

This is already implemented as far as I see it. In order to protect your
local data, you can store the git repository on a fully-encrypted disk
or alternatively store it inside an encrypted container like ecryptfs.
To protect the data stored on remotes, use the git-remote-gcrypt

Kind regards,

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