Pass DBs reveal password lengths + PEBKAC issue

Brian Candler b.candler at
Thu Feb 23 15:52:58 CET 2017

On 23/02/2017 13:51, Thibault Polge wrote:
>      The consequence is a serious reduction of the complexity of
>      brute-force attacks,

IMO, this is a non-issue.

Suppose each position in my password is taken from a set of N 
possibilities, and then I tell you that my password is exactly 10 
characters long.

Indeed, that means you don't have to brute-force all the 1 to 9 digit 

But (N^1 + N^2 + N^3 ... + N^9) is far smaller than N^10; approximately 
N times smaller.

Hence the saving in brute force is a factor of 1/N. If I'm using base64 
passwords then N=64 and I've saved you about 1/64th of the total work, 
or less than 2%.

Not telling you my password length is a form of security through 
obscurity.  The strength of the password comes from its length and its 
randomness - not from keeping its length secret.

In any case: by the time I've added metadata to passwords on subsequent 
lines (URLs, usernames, comments) you're unlikely to get any dependable 
info about my password length from the gpg file length.



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