Attachments (arbitrary files) in pass entries?

Kevin Cox kevincox at
Wed Jan 25 12:25:53 CET 2017

On 24/01/17 20:37, Sebastian Wiesner wrote:
> Hello,
> does pass offer a convenient interface to add arbitrary encrypted files along with entries?
> I'm currently using 1Password for macOS which lets me add attachments to entries, e.g. a photo copy of my ID card along with my ID number or license files for software I bought.
I don't know about any "convenient" way but you can easily add things. 
I'm not at my computer so I can't test the exact syntax but I think the 
following works. I keep a number of binary files in my pass store.

pass insert secret-image <source-image.jpg
pass show secret-image >retrieved-image.jpg

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