Cloudflare / Pass Checker

Simon Lackerbauer simon at
Fri Mar 3 18:49:38 CET 2017

On 02/25/2017 03:25 PM, Chris Warrick wrote:
> There’s a comprehensive list of suffixes here:
> For my needs, I edited the domain list I got from pass manually
> (searching for lines with more than one dot). Here’s my approach:
> ls -1R ~/.password-store | sed -e 's/.gpg$//' -e 's/.*:$//' -e
> 's/.*\/$//' -e '/^$/d' -e 's/.*@//' | uniq > passwords.txt
> vim passwords.txt
> grep -xof passwords.txt sorted_unique_cf.txt

Hi Chris, hi Stephan,

It's a little late, but for the sake of posterity, I guess it won't hurt
with my updated solution.

You both indeed raise a valid concern I didn't think about, mostly
because I have so few third level and down domains saved in pass.
(Incidentally, one of them was on the list, so thanks for pointing out
my error!)

I still think this problem can be solved in a timely and fully automated
way: by splitting the domain name along dots and just matching against
every possible second level domain that can yield.

So, for it will try to match


This will only net you a few more domains to be matched in most
use-cases for which it's feasible at all (as in: for those people who
use that specific naming convention for their pass entries) and as such
will finish matching within a few seconds at most.

Thanks again for pointing out my oversight.


8A86 BD14 1859 44F2 5B83  6908 4B81 EE5D 6A56 A4DE
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