pass choose

Greg Minshall minshall at
Mon Jun 4 04:30:06 CEST 2018

hi.  i put the following very small patch together for
pass.bash-completion.  it allows one to specify an environmental
variable PASSWORD_COMPLETE_ENTRIES, which is shell code that is "eval"d.
the default is (we hope) the current behavior.  but, i, e.g., have in my
.bashrc, the following:
export PASSWORD_COMPLETE_ENTRIES='(([[ -n ${COMPREPLY[@]} ]] && echo ${COMPREPLY[@]} | tr " " "\n";
         (cd $prefix; find . -name "${cur}*.gpg" -type f |
           sed "sX./XX" |
           sed "s/[.]gpg//" )
         ) 2>&1 | dmenu -b)'
which allows me to do completion via dmenu(1).  possibly this would
satisfy the "choose".

i barely know bash, so can't comment on how this would fit with fish,
zsh completion.

the only thing i'm a bit worried about is zeroing out "COMPREPLY" --
necessary for the code to work -- at the point i do.  it *seems* as if
"items" should contain everything one would want to have in "COMPREPLY".

cheers, Greg
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