Security Vulnerability: Faulty GPG Signature Checking

Tobias Girstmair junkgir-passwd at
Fri Jun 15 14:13:22 CEST 2018

On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 08:57:57AM +0300, Matthieu Weber wrote:
> It is very difficult to write correct programs in C, and very easy to
> write C programs with security holes in it. Since the topic here is
> security, I would advise against C. Go, Rust, Java even, or scripting
> languages such as Python, Ruby or even Perl are probaly safer than C (or
> C++).

I should've probably phrased that very differently. What I meant to say
was I'd support a pass 2.0 written in a language that is an integral
part of the GNU/Linux/BSD/etc ecosystem[1]. A scripting language like
Python or Perl[2] would be very good options IMO.

What I failed to communicate was that I don't want to have to install a
whole load of dependencies, be it a Rust[3] or Go compiler or let alone

[1]: By that I mean something that is pre-installed on most systems,
     which I believe both Perl and Python are. 
[2]: I've recently fallen in love with Perl. Feels like a shell, but way
     more powerful. 
[3]: Not only do none of my systems come with a rust (or go) toolchain, 
     so many Rust projects list "curl | sudo bash"
     as step one of the install procedure - I'm not installing anything
     that's not packaged by my OS distribution (for me that even means
     no PyPi/pip or CPAN).


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