pass is 15x slower on one machine than another. How to debug?

Ryan Lue lists at
Mon Feb 25 15:39:50 CET 2019

> >     $ perf stat -d pass ls
> Try to run that perf in both machines and compare then, as simple stats
> are harder to debug
> Also do the same for the bash -x, or even better, to get the timmings for
> each command:
> N=`date +%s%N`; export PS4='+[$(((`date +%s%N`-'$N')/1000000))ms][${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}]: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'; set -x; bash -x pass ls
> again, run this on both machines and compare then... or post then so
> we can check

THANK YOU. Setting $PS4 totally led me to the answer.

It turns out I had some node module installed that installed this as a

This JS clone of `which` was overriding the system executable
and taking 500ms to run. pass calls `which gpg2`, hence the extreme delays.

Still no clue why node-which takes so long on one machine but not
another, but I can live without it (and honestly prefer not to have npm
polluting my system utils).

Thanks again!


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