[PATCH] Use eval() to shell-parse $EDITOR for pass-edit

martin f. krafft madduck at madduck.net
Thu Nov 28 19:43:54 CET 2019

Regarding the following, written by "Kjetil Torgrim Homme" on 2019-11-28 at 13:11 Uhr +0100:
>I would write a trivial wrapper ~/bin/vimsecure and use that as my 
>$EDITOR, or even simpler, use EDITOR=vi :)

Yeah, I can do that instead. I agree that my patch may be too risky.


@martinkrafft | https://riot.im/app/#/room/#madduck:madduck.net
"doesn't he know who i think i am?"
                                                      -- phil collins
spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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