Adding extra info when generating a password

Adrian Ho ml+password-store at
Fri Jun 19 04:10:07 CEST 2020

On 19/6/20 12:51 am, John Franklin wrote:
> On Jun 18, 2020, at 02:46, pass at wrote:
>> Is there an equivalent to the -m flag of `pass insert` for `pass
>> generate`? Essentially 100% of the time I want to store my username next
>> to the password in the file, and have to do `pass generate
>> my/password/file` then `pass edit my/password/file`,
> That sounds like it should be an easy patch, and makes a lot of sense, too.  While we’re at it, are there other flags in insert and generate that could be made common between the two?

In keeping with the Unix philosophy, I'd prefer a `pass new` subcommand
that just generates a new password to stdout:

new [ --no-symbols, -n ] [pass-length]

That provides maximum flexibility, and can also be used outside pass.
For the OP's use case:

$ pass insert path/to/my/pass/db <<EOF
acct1 $(pass new 16)
acct2 $(pass new 22)

Best Regards,

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