curious: why use own hosting rather than github?

Matt Connell matt at
Fri May 22 07:35:57 CEST 2020

On 2020-05-21 20:48, Nathan Lilienthal wrote:
> I think one of the main issues here is that people hate email.

*Some* people hate email.  Some people love it and it is an integral
part of their workflow, both for communication and code needs.

There are a lot of good reasons that is still used.

>Email has been around forever, and everybody has access to it in one
form or another. There are plenty of free email providers and a vast
number of clients. Email works well for non-native speakers, who can use
automatic translation systems if need be. Email is also friendly from an
accessibility standpoint; that has helped the kernel to gain a number of
very good blind developers. Email is fast, it makes local testing easy,
and remote testing is possible. Writing scripts to deal with emailed
patches is easily done. And there is no need to learn a new interface to
work with it.

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