curious: why use own hosting rather than github?

Matthieu Weber mweber at
Sat May 23 18:18:48 CEST 2020

On Sat, 23 May 2020 at 09:47PM +0700, Đoàn Trần Công Danh wrote:
> On 2020-05-22 11:06:08+0200, Ondřej Synáček <ondrejsynacek at> wrote:
> > If people here are against proprietary Github, why not just use self-hosted
> > Gitlab solution? Personally I prefer Gitlab over GH but both are good.
> The biggest problem with GitLab is its overuse of JavaScript.
> I can't do anything on GitLab if I block JavaScript.
> Let's not talk about its fancy fonts.

There's a “git request-pull” command for generating a messages inviting
the upstream maintainer to pull for a given repository; the message
could very well be sent to this mailing-list. This of course assumes the
developer who sends the message has a publicly accessible repository
from which the maintainer can pull; not everyone has a private server
that can host a public repository, but nothing prevents you from using
Github for that.

Then there are tools such as ticgit (which I have never used) that seem
to provide a ticket system within a git repository; this could be used
for issue tracking. Does anyone of you have any experience with such
distributed tools?

I understand that learning yet another set of tools (git request-pull
and ticgit) will not please the fans of web-based, centralized
development tools à là Github, but as I am fond of truly decentralized
tools (as well as command-line tools) I'm wondering if it would be
possible to use them efficiently without too much hassle?

 (~._.~)            Matthieu Weber - mweber at              (~._.~)
  ( ? )                          ( ? ) 
 ()- -()          public key id : 0x85CB340EFCD5E0B3             ()- -()
 (_)-(_) "Humor ist, wenn man trotzdem lacht (Otto J. Bierbaum)" (_)-(_)
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