[extern] SIGPIPE

Torsten Casselt casselt at luis.uni-hannover.de
Mon Jun 3 08:18:38 UTC 2024

Hi Michael,

the bug happens because of the combination of tail and head with a
I already sent a patch in over a month ago that fixes this in one line.
Could you please test if this also fixes your issue? I attached the
patch again.


Am Sonntag, dem 02.06.2024 um 14:24 +0200 schrieb Michael Vorburger:
> Hi,
> I've run into a SIGPIPE (exit code 141) with a particular password
> containing many special characters. Breaking up the line as follows
> somehow fixes the problem for me:
> https://github.com/vorburger/password-store/pull/2/files
> https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/vorburger/password-store/pull/2.diff
> The same is also attached to this email, as output by "git format-
> patch -1".
> Would you like to merge this?
> Tx,
> M.
> _______________________
> Michael Vorburger
> http://www.vorburger.ch

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