[PhotoFloat] RSS feed support?

Antoine Beaupré anarcat at orangeseeds.org
Thu Feb 13 16:50:39 CET 2014

I tried a first stab at this, on this git repo:


My first attempt was to generate a new album, which I would call a
"meta-album", named "recent", which contains all latest images,
regardless of location.

It doesn't purge old images, or generate RSS feeds.

I am having trouble linking to the image properly: the image location
seems to be relative to the original album, and not absolute, which
breaks cache refresh and probably doesn't show up in the browser
properly (i haven't tested this much).

How should I go around doing this?

I also noticed there are "latest_photos.json" and "all_photos.json"
files in the cache directory, yet I can't see where they are used. How
do those work?

Eventually, my objective is to generate, alongside the .json file, .xml
files for RSS feed readers, for every album.


Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle
And the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.
                         - Buddha
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