speed up thumbnail generation

Joachim Tingvold joachim at tingvold.com
Thu Apr 6 10:22:38 CEST 2017

On 6 Apr 2017, at 9:09, Paolo Benvenuto wrote:
> I suggest you to begin with the biggest thumbnail, and to generate the
> smaller ones not from the original photo, but from the last generated
> thumbnail.
> This way the process of thumbnailing speeds up a lot!


That's a great suggestion for the current stock version of PhotoFloat. 
This wouldn't work well for the patched version 
(<http://git.jocke.no/photofloat/?h=patches>), that uses threading, and 
processes all the thumbnails for an image in parallell (then it would 
need to wait for the largest thumbnail to process, before beginning on 
the rest, compared to just do them all in parallell from the start).


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