DMVPM appreciation

John Huttley john at
Sat Dec 3 19:07:21 CET 2016

When Wireguard was first announced, there were several comments like
"Can you do DMVPM?"

What is DMVPN?
Do we care?
Can we do it better?

Is a Cisco product to lets spokes create spoke-to-spoke links in an
otherwise spoke-hub VPN architecture.
If we have A<-> HUB <-> B    then we can get A <-> B  directly. This
unloads the hub.

So how do they do it?
They document 3 things
1) mGRE tunnels.
The tunnel is good old GRE on proto 47.
For every endpoint you create an interface. So hub with 1000 spokes has
int gre0 -> int gre999.
Nope, not that dumb. They have a multipoint GRE, mGRE with one interface
that can terminate all the tunnels.
--Just like Wireguard.

2)Ipsec. But GRE is encapsulation only, so they protect it with ipsec.
Presumably ESP transport mode.
Wireguard doesn't need that.

This is a repurposed bit of the ATM suite. Sort of DB of remote internet
addresses (endpoints) that spokes look up to set up tunnels.
Wireguard. So much easier.

There is a 4th part. The actually doing it and the policy for
controlling it.

When you look at it, a spoke-hub network that can overlay itself is a
mesh network.
So, do we care about DMVPN? No, it's vendor specific.

Can we do it better? Sure, Jason has already done all the hard work.

The key thought going forward is that that security doesn't matter. It's
outside the scope.
If A,B,C are /already/ in the VPN, they are /already/ authorised.
A tunnel overlay does not impact /security/, it impacts /routing/.

I suggest looking up

So lets consider a simplified case
A <-> B <-> C

A is sending a lot of data to C.

Policy triggers starting a direct A <-> C tunnel.

We need public key and endpoint to set up a tunnel.

First. A can talk to C just fine on the VPN. Thats all the
authentication required.
A and C swap public keys
Endpoints? you could look up, but there is one perfect way.
A asks B, because  if two nodes are peered, they always know the
endpoint of their peer.
In this case B knows how to contact A.
B passes that back to A
A then passes that to C along with A's public key

Ok, UDP Rendevous and we have a A <-> C tunnel, no NHRP required.
The routing daemon engages and a new route becomes active.


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