[WireGuard] openSUSE package for WireGuard

Martin Hauke mardnh at gmx.de
Wed Jul 6 22:43:51 CEST 2016

Hi there,

i've done some initial packaging work for openSUSE (Leap 42.1,
Tubmleweed and Factory) on OBS.

You can find those packages in my OBS home repository:

At the moment the package is split in two parts
1) wireguard             (wg userspace-tool)
2) wireguard-kmp-default (kernel module; the "-default" suffix is the
default kernel flavor)

While it builds fine on the mentioned openSUSE versions I did all my
functional tests only with openSUSE Leap 42.1 x86_64

Here's an example for installing the packages on openSUSE Leap 42.1 x86_64:
sudo zypper addrepo
sudo zypper install wireguard wireguard-kmp-default

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

best regards,

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