[PATCH] Handle (a) changes in Screech and (b) borrow issue

Jason Dusek jason.dusek at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 19:39:06 CET 2017

Hi Jason,

It was necessary to "vendor" Screech. A separate Git repo makes for a
cleaner patch than downloading and including all of Screech. The patch
makes some stuff public again that was once public and then went private:


I assume Trevor made them private for a reason; but also that the original
developer of the client used them for a reason. I would like to better
understand the application before making a suggestion as regards the
Screech API; but I would also really like the Rust client to build (as I
think we all would).

Kind Regards,

Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason at zx2c4.com> schrieb am Fr. 17. Feb. 2017 um 05:50:

> Hey,
> Thanks for the patch. This changes the screech repository to your own.
> Has Trevor agreed for you to officially take over that project? If so,
> please link me to the moderncrypto mailing list post about this. If
> not, why should things switch to yours rather than moving your patches
> upstream to Trevor?
> Regards,
> Jason
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