Rust implementation status

Sascha Grunert saschagrunert at
Sat Mar 18 11:51:00 CET 2017

Hey Folks,

To make it clear for now: If you want to contribute, simply use GitHub issues and pull requests. I will take care of the synchronisation of the repositories for now.

It would be really cool if we can focus on merging our efforts and planning the next steps via GitHub issues. Discussions via the mailing list are very welcome as well.

I merged the first pull request for now. Thank you very much and have a nice weekend!

Best regards,

> Am 14.03.2017 um 19:49 schrieb Sascha Grunert <saschagrunert at>:
> Hey guys,
> I would really like to do that. For the main development I would throw this into discussion:
> I guess it would be more visible to the Rust community if we allow maintaining it via the GitHub repository.
> @Jason, what do you think?
> Best regards,
> Sascha
> Am 14. März 2017, 17:29 +0100 schrieb sopium <sopium at>:
>> Hi Sascha and folks,
>> ---- On Sun, 05 Mar 2017 20:42:00 +0900 Sascha Grunert <saschagrunert at> wrote ----
>>> Hey folks,
>>> I want to call for participation of the Rust userspace implementation of WireGuard. The template for the initial implementation was this: and can be found here:
>>> What works for now:
>>> - A main working executable (`cargo run -- -h`) which parses the command line parameters via the `clap` crate
>>> - General debug and tracing support via the `log` crate
>>> - Daemonizing support
>>> - The wireguard library which creates a local socket and waits for incoming connections (reference implementation)
>>> [...]
>> I have kept an eye on this. It seems that you were mostly working
>> on the `xplatform` stuff, and haven't started on the actual
>> implementation of the protocol yet. My code has (partly)
>> implemented the protocol, but lacks the `xplatform` ui. So it
>> seems like a perfect time to merge efforts. What do you think?
>> And to all who are interested in userspace WG impls, in
>> particular Rust impls, I have adjusted the goal of my project to
>> “to write a secure, compatible, cross-platform and reasonably
>> fast user-space implementation of WireGuard in Rust”. I am also
>> committed to finishing and maintaining it. There is a big TODO
>> list, and contribution is welcome!
>> For those not closely following this thread, the project is at:
>> Regards,
>> Sopium

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