Roaming Mischief

Markus Woschank markus.woschank at
Fri Nov 17 23:11:49 CET 2017

>  where you need to make sure that while one peer is down the other doesn't move.

This is obviously wrong, should be:
"where you need to make sure that only one side changes it's network
while one is down."

On 17 November 2017 at 23:06, Markus Woschank <markus.woschank at> wrote:
>> My example is most useful when both endpoints are roaming and either
>> endpoint needs to be able to initiate sessions. It's not a very
>> common scenario I'll give you that, but the current full roaming
>> support does enable it seamlessly (when you also enable keep-alives).
> Thank you for clarifying.
> This really sound like an unusual situation, where you need to make
> sure that while one peer is down the other doesn't move.
> I wonder if this could not, should the need arise, be solved in another fashion.
> From experience I have another concern towards the current mechanism.
> When configuring two peers pointing at each other and by mistake
> setting one endpoint IP to a wrong value (typo in the IP) there is a
> good chance this mistake may not be noticed for quiet some time, if
> the correctly configured endpoint initiates the connection most of the
> time. The user (me), believing to have correctly configured the link,
> may be taken by surprise at a later point in time when the link is not
> established, as he expects, when the wrongly configured side tries to
> initiate it after say a reboot. This is more of a concern to me than
> supporting to roaming  peers.
> Also the thought of something like `wg showconf wg0 >
> /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf` happening at shutdown frightens me a little.
> Because if the command fails for whatever reason the configuration
> will be truncated and after the reboot completes the link will be
> non-functional (conf vs state).
> Please don't interpret my comments the wrong way, I grew to love
> wireguard. Just trying to state the kinks (IMO) I see, and this is one
> of them.
> I still vote for: if an endpoint is specified, don't allow the peer
> from another source - no config syntax change needed ;).
> Markus

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