wg-quick on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - resolvconf not available

Dimitris Maroulidis dmaroulidis at dimitrismaroulidis.com
Mon Aug 6 13:36:29 CEST 2018

Hi everyone,

I've noticed that wg-quick cannot initiate a new wireguard connection because it fails in the step where it pushes DNS nameservers to the system via resolvconf -A. The issue here is that resolvconf isn't shipped with Ubuntu 18.04, and DNS config is managed either by systemd-resolve on servers or desktops and by NetworkManager on desktops.

I think that systemd-resolve runs independently from NetworkManager and if the latter is used for networking management, the former, also provides DNS resolution.

Also, I've noticed that installing resolvconf or openresolv as was required in the past by the wireguard package, caused DNS resolution problems with the localhost and Docker containers.

Dimitris Maroulidis

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